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Our Most Popular Cover Letter Examples

Executive Example-#3 Executive
Human-Resources-Example-#2 Human Resources (HR)
Customer-Success-Example-#2 Customer Success Manager
Nursing-Student-Example-#2 Nursing Student
Substitute-Teacher-Example-#3 Professional Substitute Teacher
Social-Work-Example-#2 Social Worker
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Accounting & Finance Cover Letter Examples


Focus your accounting or finance cover letter on how you can expertly manage assets or raise the company’s bottom line. Name your top three or four achievements, and quantify them in terms of a clear percentage or dollar amount.

Most Popular Cover Letters in Accounting & Finance
All Cover Letter Examples in Accounting and Finance
Accountant Bookkeeper Finance

Arts & Design Cover Letter Examples


Even in your creative field, the cover letter is a simple tool for professional communication and should be formatted that way. Feel free to use a template if it helps you keep your letter simple and focused.

Most Popular Cover Letters in Arts & Design
Graphic Design Example #3 Graphic Design
Interior Designer Example #2 Interior Designer

Business Cover Letter Examples


In today’s competitive business landscape, a cover letter introduces you to employers and can help you advance in your career. To stand out among many candidates, align your cover letter with each job posting.

Most Popular Cover Letters in Business
Human Resources Example #2 Human Resources (HR)
Recruiter Example #3 Recruiter

Career Changes and Life Situations Cover Letter Examples


When changing careers, focus your cover letter on your transferable skills and experiences. Only address an employment gap if it’s ongoing and you’re trying to return to the workforce.

Most Popular Cover Letters in Career Changes and Life Situations
Military-to-Civilian Example #1 Military to Civilian
All Cover Letter Examples in Career Changes and Life Situations
Military to Civilian

Child Care and Pet Care Cover Letter Examples


For a strong cover letter in this field, show you can provide a safe and healthy environment for children or pets while building good relations with parents, guardians, or clients.

Most Popular Cover Letters in Child Care and Pet Care
Babysitter Example #1 Babysitter
Veterinary Receptionist Example #1 Veterinary Receptionist
All Cover Letter Examples in Child Care and Pet Care
Babysitter Veterinary Receptionist

Computer Sciences and Information Technology Cover Letter Examples


When applying to computer science and information technology (IT) jobs, focus the cover letter on your relevant technical skills. Then, tie each skill to the hiring company’s stated goals.

Most Popular Cover Letters in Computer Sciences and Information Technology
Information Technology Example #2 Information Technology (IT)
Software Engineer Example #3 Software Engineer
Web Developer Example #3 Web Developer

Construction and Maintenance Cover Letter Examples


For construction jobs, use your cover letter to highlight projects you’ve worked on of a similar scope or budget. For maintenance jobs, describe similar facilities you’ve worked for and the tools or methods you used to keep them running smoothly.

Most Popular Cover Letters in Construction and Maintenance
Carpenter Example #2 Carpenter
Construction Worker Example #2 Construction Worker
Electrician Example #3 Electrician

Customer Service and Retail Cover Letter Examples


For a good cover letter in customer service and retail, focus on how you can help raise survey scores or drive revenue growth for the franchise location or company that posted the job.

Most Popular Cover Letters in Customer Service and Retail
Bank Teller Example #3 Bank Teller
Customer Success Manager Example #2 Customer Success Manager
Retail Sales Associate Example #2 Retail Sales Associate

Education Cover Letter Examples


When writing your education cover letter, show you can help provide great learning experiences for students of the hiring school or district. If you’re applying to a direct teaching position, emphasize your skills in classroom management and parent relations.

Most Popular Cover Letters in Education
Substitute Teacher Example #1 Professional Substitute Teacher
Special Education Teacher_Example #3 Special Education Teacher

Engineering Cover Letter Examples


To write a good engineering cover letter, focus on how you can help design complex systems or technical solutions for the company that posted the job.

Most Popular Cover Letters in Engineering
Civil Engineering Example #1 Civil Engineer
Electrical Engineers Example #1 Electrical Engineer
Engineering Example #1 Engineering
All Cover Letter Examples in Engineering
Civil Engineer Electrical Engineer Engineering
Mechanical Engineer

Health and Wellness Cover Letter Examples


You can write a great cover letter for this field by showing how you help people overcome illness or achieve better physical and mental well-being. Give examples from your career that overlap with the employer’s hiring needs or health specialty.

Most Popular Cover Letters in Health and Wellness
Health Care Example #3 Healthcare
Nursing Student Example #3 Nursing Student

Law Cover Letter Examples


When writing your cover letter for legal jobs, show how you’d apply your expertise to help the firm represent clients or navigate complex legal issues.

Most Popular Cover Letters in Law
All Cover Letter Examples in Law
Lawyer Paralegal

Management Cover Letter Examples


A good management cover letter expresses how you’d advance business goals and motivate staff of the company that posted the job. Cite achievements that show you’ve helped teams work more quickly or cost-effectively.

Most Popular Cover Letters in Management
Executive Assistant Example #3 Executive
Project Manager Example #2 Project Manager

Office and Administration Cover Letter Examples


To draft a strong cover letter for administrative jobs, focus on how you can help the company streamline daily operations for better efficiency or service quality.

Most Popular Cover Letters in Office and Administration
Administrative Assistant Example #1 Administrative Assistant
Executive Assistant Example #3 Executive Assistant

Public Safety and Community Well-being Cover Letter Examples


For cover letters in this field, pay close attention to the employer’s stated mission. Express how your values align with the organization. Show how you’d help it serve the public, support underprivileged groups, or advance other important causes.

Most Popular Cover Letters in Public Safety and Community Well-being
Law Enforcement Example #3 Law Enforcement
Police Officer Example #2 Police Officer
Social Work Example #2 Social Work
All Cover Letter Examples in Public Safety and Community Well-being
Case Manager Firefighter Law Enforcement
Pastor Police Officer Security Guard
Security Officer Social Work

Restaurant and Hospitality Cover Letter Examples


Hospitality is all about ensuring a great customer experience – on your cover letter, highlight any skills or achievements that show your ability to do just that.

Most Popular Cover Letters in Restaurant and Hospitality
Event Planner Example #1 Event Planner
Restaurant Manager Example #3 Restaurant Manager
Waiter Waitress Example #3 Waiter and Waitress

Sales and Marketing Cover Letter Examples


Cite your career highlights to impress on employers how you’d help them engage clients, promote products, and drive business growth. Performance data is key to this field, so quantify your results in terms of a clear percentage or dollar amount.

Most Popular Cover Letters in Sales and Marketing
Marketing Manager Example #3 Marketing Manager
Social Media Example #1 Social Media

Students and Recent Graduates Cover Letter Examples


How to write a cover letter with little or no work experience? Focus on pertinent skills you’ve gained through school coursework, community service, or extracurricular activities. When possible, speak to how the employer’s mission and values align with your own.

Most Popular Cover Letters in Students and Recent Graduates
Internship Example #1 Internship
Recent Graduate Example #1 Recent Graduate
All Cover Letter Examples in Students and Recent Graduates
College High School Internship
Recent Graduate Student

Transportation and Logistics Cover Letter Examples


For a good transportation cover letter, focus on how you can expertly move people or goods from point A to point B. For a good logistics cover letter, explain how you’d help the company streamline its workflows or manufacturing procedures.

Most Popular Cover Letters in Transportation and Logistics
Delivery Driver Example #1 Delivery Driver
Truck Driver Example #1 Truck Driver
All Cover Letter Examples in Transportation and Logistics
Aviation Delivery Driver Truck Driver
Warehouse Worker

Craft a new cover letter in minutes

Get the attention of hiring managers with a cover letter tailored to every job application.

Frequently Asked Questions About Cover Letters

Do I really need a cover letter for my job search?

Yes, in most cases. The majority of job postings require or allow you to send a cover letter along with your resume. While not every hiring manager reads or prioritizes them, a well-crafted letter assists you in standing out from other applicants. It will also help you clarify what points to emphasize during the interview.

What’s the most important part of a cover letter?

Any explanation you give for why the specific job opening or employer interests you. These details distinguish the cover letter from your resume and other application materials. They let you prove you read the job posting and are responding to it specifically. The information also sets the stage for a good discussion about how you fit the role and the company’s work culture.

How do I start writing my cover letter?

Take 10 minutes to brainstorm and jot down why you’re drawn to the opportunity and what it has in common with your background. For instance, maybe it’s in an industry you’re eager to return to or requires certain technical skills you possess.

When you’re done brainstorming, review your notes: Do any stand out as especially important or persuasive? Take another 10 minutes to brainstorm and elaborate on them. Repeat this process until you have at least two or three concise sentences that speak to the job opening at hand. These sentences will form the body text of your letter.

What are the main parts of a good cover letter?

Typically, your cover letter should have five sections, in this order:

1. Heading with your name, contact info, and the date
2. Salutation
3. Hook citing a relevant achievement from your resume or a key qualification the company is looking for
4. Body text describing why the job or employer interests you and your key strengths
5. Closing request for an interview, with thanks for the hiring manager’s consideration

How long should my cover letter be?

No more than one page, or around 250 words. Resist the urge to tell your whole career story. Give just enough detail to intrigue hiring managers so they take a closer look at your resume.