2023’s Pride Month has come to a close, and it’s no secret that numerous high-profile brands, notably Target and Bud Light, came under fire for their participation in Pride.

However, despite this backlash and the spate of anti-LGBTQ+ legislation put forth this year, the organization InterPride reports that nearly 8 in 10 corporate Pride sponsorships either increased or stayed the same when compared to last year.

In order to find out how companies big and small approached Pride Month this year, at the end of June, ResumeBuilder.com surveyed 1,000 company leaders across the U.S.

Key findings:

  • Fewer than 2 in 10 companies participated in Pride Month, however, half of business leaders believe their company is likely to participate next year
  • 18% of companies reduced their planned Pride participation over fears of backlash
  • 86% of companies that participated in Pride saw benefits such as increased revenue
  • 60% of participants also report consequences such as pushback from customers

81% of Companies Did Not Participate in Pride Month This Year

8 in 10 business leaders surveyed say their company did not participate in Pride this year while 2 in 10 say their company participated in some way. A small number (5%) reported that their company participated in Pride Month last year but chose not to participate this year.

When asked why their company participated last year but not this year, the most common answers given included ‘too much work’ (71%), ‘leadership change’ (49%), and ‘didn’t see any benefits’ (28%).

One respondent added, “We think the issue got way too controversial with some of the behavior at Pride events, especially after this year. We decided if we celebrated again, it would cause a big distraction that we don’t need.”

Nearly Half Believe Their Company is Likely to Participate Next Year

Despite only 19% of companies participating in Pride this year, 45% of respondents say it is ‘highly’ (21%) or ‘somewhat likely’ (24%) that their company will choose to participate in Pride Month next year.

Four percent of respondents say their company did not celebrate Pride last year but did this year, and of this group, 92% believe their company is likely to celebrate again next year.

1 in 5 Companies Pulled Back Pride Month Plans Over Backlash Concerns

Eighteen percent of respondents say their company scaled back its Pride Month plans over fears of backlash, such as that faced by Target and Bud Light.

Within this group, the most commonly-reported ways that companies scaled back their participation included not providing employee learning opportunities around inclusion (25%), not changing their logo to rainbow colors (22%), and not creating Pride-themed products/marketing campaigns (21%).

Respondents also added that their company “Recalled Pride merchandise due to backlash” and “Did not allow staff to earn work time for participating in a Pride parade.”

6 in 10 Companies That Participated in Pride Experienced Negative Consequences

Sixty-two percent of respondents whose companies participated in Pride say there were negative consequences as a result. Twenty-nine percent of respondents in this group say they received negative feedback from employees, 26% received negative feedback from customers, and 20% experienced decreased revenue.

However, 38% of respondents at companies that participated in Pride say their company did not experience any consequences as a result.

“While we were aware of the potential for backlash faced by some companies in the past, we approached Pride Month with a focus on authenticity and inclusivity,” says Christian Sculthorp, founder of WallPanels. “We made sure to communicate our support for the LGBTQ+ community openly and transparently, both internally and externally. By fostering an environment of acceptance, we aimed to show our employees and customers that we stand by our values and commitment to equality.

“By participating in Pride Month, we have received overwhelming support from our employees, clients, and the community. It has strengthened our relationships and reaffirmed our commitment to promoting diversity and equality within our organization. We will continue to celebrate and support Pride Month as part of our ongoing efforts to foster an inclusive workplace for all,” Sculthorp adds.

86% of Companies That Participated in Pride Saw Benefits

Despite more than half of Pride participants reporting negative results, a much greater number saw benefits. Fifty-four percent of respondents in this group say the company received positive feedback from customers, 51% received positive feedback from employees, and 37% experienced increased revenue.

“We were aware of the potential for backlash, as companies like Target and Bud Light have faced criticism for their Pride Month campaigns,” explains Garrett Yamasaki, founder of WeLoveDoodles. “However, we felt it essential to stand up for our beliefs. [We’re] a company that values diversity and inclusion, and we wanted to use our platform to support the LGBTQ+ community.

“To address potential concerns, we ensured our campaign was more than just a marketing ploy. We worked closely with LGBTQ+ organizations to ensure our messaging was respectful and inclusive. We also committed to supporting the LGBTQ+ community beyond Pride Month, through ongoing donations and initiatives,” says Yamasaki.

Most Popular Pride Month Activity Was Employee Education

When asked how their company participated in Pride Month this year, 35% of respondents in this group say their company provided employee learning opportunities around inclusion, 34% had a Pride event, and 33% put up Pride decorations.


This survey was commissioned by ResumeBuilder.com and conducted online by the survey platform Pollfish from June 28 – July 2, 2023. In total, 1,000 participants in the U.S. completed the full survey. All participants had to pass through demographic filters to ensure they were currently age 25 or older, employed for wages (90% quota) or self-employed (10% quota), and had a household income of at least $50,000 per year.

Additionally, respondents had to work at a company with at least 11 employees and identify their organization role as one of the following: C-Level executive, president/CEO/chairperson, owner or partner, Chief Technical Officer, Chief Financial Officer, HR manager, senior management, director, or middle management.

The survey used a convenience sampling method, and to avoid bias from this component Pollfish employs Random Device Engagement (RDE) to ensure both random and organic surveying. Learn more about Pollfish’s survey methodology or contact [email protected] for more information.